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Prison industries and for profit prisons should be owned by the prisoners and the guards with an ESOP

April 20, 2015

the following thoughts are inspired by this NYT article I discovered on facebook

(A)(1) Prison industries manufacture everything license plates for states to decks for GSA

(A)(2)prisoners are paid sub minimum wages

(B)(1) We propose a new policy; Prison industries should be owned by a corporation owned by an ESOP that employes the prisoners

(B)(2) needs modification to ERISA and wage and hour rules

(B)(3) modify ERISA to allow for the prisoner to not have the right to roll over ESOP shares except as part of a release program ( representative payee program?)

(B)(4) life terms prisoners would be allowed to participate as well with any future roll over of ESOP funds to benefit the prisoners family

(B)(5) prisoners shall receive the minimum wage with the IRS 20% rule waived so to fund the ESOP at higher rates.

(B)(6) for profit prisons shall be owned by both the prisoners and the guards who work there,this might make for common cause between guards and prisoners

(B)(7) a leveraged ESOP could build more prisons

(B)(8) A prisoner/guard REIT could own prisons that are leased by state and federal governments

Social policy, over decades this system would transfer wealth from government prison spending to income equality to the poor and their relatives.This might make a contribution to poverty alleviation and less crime committed by future generations. In the case of the private prison owned by both the guards and the prisoners could lead to novel ESOP team building plans that lead both parties to recognize their common cause to make a profit from the states prison spending.Would this lead to less prison violence over time?

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